

The project provides support for professionals and students, to improve entrepreneurship and innovation skills in the field of Deforestation-free Supply Chains.The following section, which is continually updated, provides access to resources that will be published during the years. If you want to stay up-to-date on everything subscribe to our newsletter and follow our Linkedin Page!

Interview of DFSC good practice case studies

Based on a selection of the most innovative good practices, around 20 audio interviews will be created and the material will be used for the training activities, awareness and dissemination activities. The interviews will present key information on the business models of good practice and failures focusing on the cross-sector/discipline collaboration and thematic areas solutions responding to commodity-driven deforestation (CDD) from the demand side. Research to practise case study audio interviews (WP 2.1) is scheduled for summer 2024.

Report on training needs assessment

The team of European experts forming the EMMA4EU project partnership will publish an introductory study useful to implement the training activities envisaged by the project. Within the study, training needs on the topic will be summarised. The Training Needs Assessment Report (WP2.2) is scheduled for summer 2024.

EU innovation report on DFSC of FRCS

An EU innovation report (WP2.4) on factors influencing successful or failed Deforestation-Free Supply Chains (DFSC) regulation, including business models and tools will be published by our experts.

The report will draw upon selected good practice and failure case studies, leveraging insights from previous university and business partner research projects, as well as conducting ad hoc interviews with technology and innovation actors, certification bodies, certificate holders, and selected case studies that have successfully applied good practices for DFSC, including cross-sector collaboration and incorporating solutions from thematic areas. The report will result in defining strengths and weaknesses across EU partner countries in complying with commitment on DFSCs for forest-risk commodities (FRCs). The information collected will be published at the beginning of 2025 and used for the training material, during conferences and meetings.

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