The EMMA4EU team at IUFRO 2024 in Stockholm

From 23rd to 29th June 2024  the 26th IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress took place in Stockholm. This is the world’s most important forestry conference, which brings together thousands of experts every five years to promote cooperation in forestry research.

What better place to discuss supply chain management, commodity-driven deforestation and new policies to combat it?

That’s why the EMMA4EU team was at IUFRO to present the project with a poster, and several representatives of EMMA4EU partner organisations made their contributions as speakers.

Etifor’s Nicola Andrighetto presented the EMMA4EU project through a scientific a poster that included the objectives set, the actions we are carrying out, and those we have planned.

Metodi Sotirov of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg presented an analysis on the deforestation policy changes in the EU, UK, USA and China and their implications on tropical countries.

Aynur Mammadova
of the Università degli Studi di Padova delved into the impact of environmental regulations, such as the EUDR, on the power dynamics of third party environmental standards.

EMMA4EU’s work relies on the research carried out by the partner organisations, which provides a solid basis for all project actions.

We are happy to have participated in the IUFRO conference and presented our efforts to promote deforestation-free supply chain management in Europe.